A statistical model of traffic noise.

Foxon, J. & F.J. Pearson.

Traffic noise recordings have been analysed and it has been established experimentally that observations presented in the form of graphs approach a Gaussian distribution. To account for this Gaussian distribution, a statistical model of traffic noise has been evolved after which it is used with reasonable success as a prediction mechanism to evaluate another random noise situation similar to that of traffic noise. The model also enables experimental data relating to noise surveys to be characterised by a limited number of parameters capable to describe a particular random noise situation in a physically meaningful manner. The article includes various practical techniques used in the statistical analysis of traffic noise and a discussion to which the theoretical model is verified experimentally.

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3 + 6 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 569 fo /93

Uit: Applied Acoustics, 1 (1968) nr. 3, July, 30 cm., p. 175-188, 6 fig., 3 ref.

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