Statistical tools for the calibration of traffic conflicts techniques.

Oppe, S.

To compare the results of various conflict techniques from different countries, an international experiment took place in Rouen in 1979. The experiment showed that, in general, with each technique the same conclusions were reached with regard to the problems of safety at two intersections in Rouen. However, it was not always clear how the observations led to these conclusions. An international calibration study would be very informative. This should be concerned with a detailed comparison of conflict scores. Efforts have been made to carry out such a calibration study. This note describes a data-analysis technique that is an efficient tool for the analysis of the data that will be collected in such an experiment. An example is given from which it is clear that the analysis, which is in fact much more general and not restricted to the narrow context of the calibration experiment will give all the relevant information in this case. For the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD abstract no 265671.

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B 21020 (In: B 21012) /80 / IRRD 265679

In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Traffic Conflicts Techniques, organized by the International Committee on Traffic Conflicts Techniques ICTCT, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, April 1982, p. 70-76,1 fig., 4 ref.


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