Statistics of road traffic accidents in Europe 1992.

Economic Commission for Europe.

This publication provides the following statistics: (1) road traffic accidents involving personal injury; (2) persons killed or injured in road accidents; (3) road traffic accidents by nature of accident and surroundings, 1989 and 1990; (4) persons killed by category of user and age group, 1980, 1989 and 1990; (5) road traffic accidents involving one or more persons under the influence of alcohol, 1990; (6) background statistics such as numbers of road vehicles, estimated vehicle-kilometres run; and estimates of population and distribution by age group. Where available statistics have been obtained from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech and Slovak Federal Republics, Denmark, land, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USSR, Belarus, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA and Yugoslavia.

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C 10509 STA /81 / IRRD 855137

London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office HMSO, 1992, 89 p.; Volume XXXVII - ISSN 0497-9575 / ISBN 92-10-16266-8

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