Status of the MADYMO 2D airbag model.

Nieboer, J.J. Wismans, J. & Fraterman, E.

MADYMO is a computer program package for the simulation of two- or three- dimensional human body gross motions.Recently a two- dimensional airbag model has been become available for MADYMO 2D. In this paper a description of the airbag model theory will be presented, particularly with respect to the penetration volume and contact force calculations. Results of model simulations will be compared with experimental results. Limitations of the present airbag model will be indicated.

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B 27667 (In: B 27651 [electronic version only]) /84 /91 / IRRD 818029

In: Proceedings of the 32nd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 17- 19, 1988, p.223- 235, 9 ref. SAE Paper No. 881729.

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