The status of the nation's highways : conditions and performance : report of the secretary of transportation to the United States Congress, pursuant to Section 307 of Title 23, United States Code, June 1985.

Committee on Public Works and Transportation; Howard, J.J (chairp.)

This report "The status of the nation's highways : conditions and performance" is submitted in response to to Section 307 of Title 23, United States Code. This is the eighth in a biennial series of reports to Congress on the Nation's highway needs. The report assesses the quality of highway service as reflected by objective conditions and performance measures and describes changes in those measures in recent years. In addition, the report estimates future capital spending, irrespective of governmental jurisdiction, required to achieve various levels of future highway services.

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Washington, D.C., U.S. Government Printing Office GPO, 1985, XI + 163 p.; Serial ; No. 99-6

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