Status update of NHTSA's ITS collision avoidance research program.

Burgett, A.

This paper provides a status update on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) program to facilitate development and early deployment of cost-effective, user-friendly collision avoidance systems. The program includes an expanding crash avoidance knowledge base, development of a vital set of research tools, identification of crash avoidance opportunities, examination of key human factors and system design issues, and development of performance specifications for crash avoidance products and systems. The status of each element of the program is discussed. (A)

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C 11464 (In: C 11439 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 896553

In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Melbourne, Australia, 13-16 May 1996, Volume 1, p. 321-338, 9 ref.

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