Steering wheel induced facial trauma.

Yoganandan, N. Pintar, F. Sances, A.

Studies were conducted on twenty- two fresh human cadavers to determine the probability of facial bone fracture following dynamic contact with steering wheel assemblies of both standard (a commercially available) and energy absorbing (EA) types.At impact velocities of 6.93 to 3.58 m /s for the EA wheel and 3.13 to 2.24 m /s for the standard wheel, severe fractures of the zygoma, zygomatic arch, maxilla and orbit were observed.

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B 27656 (In: B 27651 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 818018

In: Proceedings of the 32nd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 17- 19, 1988, p.45- 69, 39 ref. SAE Paper No. 881712.

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