Stereotypes and prejudice


This book contains a collection of classic and contemporary readings that have contributed to our understanding of stereotypes and prejudice from a social-psychological perspective. The selected readings all make an important theoretical contribution, but have also been chosen with an eye on their accessibility and appeal to students.
Specific topics include the principles of social categorization and the representation of group beliefs in memory, the measurement of stereotypes and prejudice, the underlying motivations for holding and using stereotypes and prejudice, the development and change of stereotypes and prejudice, as well as the impact of stereotypes and prejudice on individuals.
The volume also includes an overall review of the current state of knowledge in the field, discussion questions, and a list of relevant references. It will be ideal for courses on prejudice.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.
XII + 490
Stangor, C.
Key Readings in Social Psychology
20230110 ST
Gepubliceerd door
Psychology Press, Philadelphia

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