The stochastic behavior of traffic on a two-lane road.

Weeda, P.J.

Emphasis is placed on the stochastic behaviour of a single traffic stream. The travel time of a car is forced on it for the main part by the leaders of queues, which are approximated by steady-state queues, A set of equations. A set of equations is established relating the mean number of cars per mile of each free speed class and the mean number of queue leaders per mile of each class. These equations contain implicitly the relation between the free speed distribution of cars on the road and the speed distribution of leaders. Opportunities for passing are assumed to be generated by a Poison process.

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1 + 13 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 718

Cambridge, MA, [etc.], The Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, 1964, 45 p.; Technical Report ; No. 9 / T.D.C.K. No. 609958)

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