Stop, yield, and no control at intersections.

Stockton, W.R. Brackett, R.Q. & Mounce, J.M.

Observations and measurements were made at 140 low volume intersections in three regions of the United States. Control type, region, location (urban/rural), geometry (3-leg/4-leg), major roadway volume and sight distance are examined to determine their individual and interactive effects on driver behavior, accident experience, and travel time. Region, location and geometry have an essentially negligible effect on safety and operations at low volume intersections. Increasingly restrictive control did not result in reductions in accident experience. STOP control produced the highest travel times and thus the highest total road user costs; YIELD control resulted in the lowest road user costs of the three control types considered.

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B 20612 /21/73/

College Station, Texas A & M University, Texas Transportation Institute TTI, 1981, 106 p., graph., tab., ref.; FHWA-RD-81-084 / NTIS PB82-117649

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