Strassenverkehrssicherheit : wie geht es Ihrem Land ? = Road safety : how is your country doing ? = Sécurité routière : comment ça va dans votre pays ?


In its 2001 White Paper on a European transport policy the Commission has proposed the ambious goal of halving the number of deaths on our roads by 2010. The European Parliament and the member states in the Council support this goal. This leaflet shows the situation in 2006 (2005 when data from 2006 not available) and the progress made since 2001. Its purpose is to allow member states to compare their situation and to encourage them to continue their efforts regarding road safety. (Author/publisher)

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20071455 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, 2007, 7 p.; Catalogue number KO-78-07-022-3A-D

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