Strategic intersection safety program guide.

Potts, I.B. Hutton, J.M. & Harwood, D.W.

The Strategic Intersection Safety Program Guide is a tool to assist agencies at the State and local levels in developing strategic, systematic approaches for planning, developing, implementing, and maintaining an intersection safety program. It provides insights for how a strategic process for improving intersection safety can influence the selection of future projects that have measurable safety outcomes, such as reduction of specific crash types that help achieve strategic goals. This guide provides a step by step process for a strategic intersection safety program. including steps for the development of specific intersection safety action plans. It can assist in the development of the intersection-related portions of a State Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and assist local agencies in aligning their intersection safety programs with the SHSP intersection safety goals. A summary is included of the intersection-related goals and improvement strategies incorporated by Stales in their current SHSPs as a resource for local agencies creating their own intersection safety program and for State agencies updating their SHSPs or developing an intersection safety program. (Author/publisher)

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20090377 ST [electronic version only]

McLean, VA, U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Safety, 2009, IV + 37 p.; FHWA-SA-09-004

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