Strategies for European innovation policy in the transport field : an example of an applied technology monitor.

Zuylen, H.J. van

Technology offers opportunities to realize policy goals. A survey of possible transport-relevant technologies and a subsequent assessment have been executed in the FANTASIE project for the European Commission. This has delivered a list of promising technologies and their possible impacts on the goals of the Common Transport Policy. A further search has been done by way of a more normative technology assessment, delivering additional promising technologies. In addition, individual policy measures that could foster the promising technologies have been identified. Due to the complexity and high level of uncertainty involved, robust and adaptive strategies need to be developed that can be adjusted to changing circumstances. The balance between national and European policy measures deserves particular attention. This leads us to suggest a number of policy packages that reflect the aforementioned principles of transport innovation policy design, as well as the specific constraints of the European policy context. (Author/publisher)

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20031433 ST [electronic version only]

Rotterdam, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Transport Research Centre TRC-AVV, 2001, 21 p., 14 ref.

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