Strategies for implementing of safety measures.

Vulcan, A.P.

Strategies to facilitate the acceptance and implementation of road safety measures are discussed. They usually involve most of the following steps: Identification of problem; Development of appropriate measures; Estimation of effectiveness; Pilot program; Informing the community and promotion; Parliamentary Committee or public inquiry; Legislation; Implementation; Evaluation and feedback. Each step is discussed and examples based on experience in Victoria are given. A brief review of measures which have the potential to reduce road accidents in the future is also provided. It is concluded that any measure which has expected benefits which exceed total costs to the community by a reasonable amount should eventually be implemented. It is the responsibility of road safety administrators and advisors to ensure that the best available information about such measures is provided to the Government and the community. (Author/publisher)

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C 22738 (In: C 22737) /73 /81 /83 / [electronic version only]

In: Invited speakers papers presented at the Road Traffic Safety seminar 1988, Wellington, New Zealand, 14-16 september 1988, p. 1-17, 14 ref.

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