Strategies to increase the use of restraint systems : background paper.

Mäkinen, T. & Hagenzieker, M.P.

Strategies to increase the use of seat belts are mainly dealt with. Safety belt use trends on front seats inside and outside urban areas are presented for Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Finland, France and Canada, in the period 1972-1990. In many countries, a number of countermeasures has been applied - either singly or in combination with each other - to increase the use of safety belts. Attention is then paid to the effectiveness of these countermeasures. Some proposals for future action are listed.

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C 260 (In: C 259 [electronic version only]) /73.3 /83.1 /83.5 /91.2 / IRRD 847989

In: Strategies to increase the use of restraint systems : proceedings of a workshop organized by SWOV and VTT at the VTI-TRB International Conference Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Gothenburg, 18-20 September 1991, p. 2-5, 1 ref.


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