Strategies for motivating safety belt use: The application of applied behavior analysis.

Streff, F.M. & Geller, E.S.

The rationale, design and impact of strategies for prompting safety belt use are reviewed with special attention given to a particular discipline within behavioral science: applied behavior analysis. The motivational techniques are discussed within a basic ABC (Antecedent- Behavior- Consequence) framework. More specifically, the promotion of safety belt use is reviewed with regard to the manipulation of environmental conditions (i.e. antecedents) which precede opportunities to buckle up, and events following the occurrence or nonoccurrence of safety belt use (i.e. consequences).

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B 29890 fo /83.2 /91 / IRRD 291135

From: Health Education Research, Theory and Practice, 1 (1986) No. 1, p. 47- 59, 47 ref.

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