Streamlining Chinese highway accident data acquisition, communications, and analysis.

Yi, P. & Ran, B.

This research examines a streamlined accident data acquisition, communications, and analysis system to improve the Chinese highway safety program. A data logger compatible with the Global Positioning System and geographic information system is proposed to identify highway accident locations and organize the data into a database format. A data encoding concept is used to transform Chinese characters into numbers, so that the encoded data are easy to integrate into a large data system. A three-tier client-server networking system is set up as the backbone framework for data communications between the central database and distributed local offices. Using local database functions, traffic police at the client level can view crash data through data mapping and attribute listing and analyze the data through nested query and sorting operations. A data graphing and analysis module was tested for automatically constructing a collision diagram on selected data. The proposed approach to crash data acquisition and analysis was found to be feasible and effective and will help to enhance China's highway safety program after full implementation.

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C 33034 (In: C 33028 S [electronic version only]) /81 / ITRD E828316

Transportation Research Record. 2003. (1846) pp31-38 (10 Fig., 2 Tab., 7 Ref.)

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