A streamlining success.

Farr, W.C. & Deshotels, M.

When the environmental study for a new Louisiana highway took only 44 months from start to finish to complete, the speedy turnaround proved that the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) goal of streamlining the review process is definitely attainable. The time span was very close to the FHWA 2007 goal of a median of 36 months for completing the environmental impact statement (EIS) process from the Notice of Intent to the approval of the final EIS. This article details how Louisiana was able to succeed in reducing the EIS timeframe in this specific case.

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I E830779 /21 / ITRD E830779

Public Roads. 2004 /01. 67(4) pp22-26 (6 Phot.)

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