Street network management and transport policy : the need for a new strategy.

Monheim, H.

This paper discusses the possibilities for setting up car-free urban environments. Resistance to change has made innovation in traffic policy minimal: the car is seen as having high economic importance and public transport is marginalised. Innovative traffic policy requires a reduction of car traffic with public transport being developed as a viable alternative for everyone. A consequent redistribution of private spending and public funding is needed, bringing economic benefits. A radical solution of transport and mobility problems needs systematic implementation of different elements and strategies: pedestrian areas, traffic calming, restricted parking, public transport, urban planning and car sharing. Car-fixated legislation must be changed. Electronic techniques for driving behaviour control could be used. It will be important to promote walking as an alternative means of transport. The paper considers street network management for better walking conditions, involving traffic calming and car-free areas. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118896.

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C 26783 (In: C 26763) /10 /72 / ITRD E118916

In: COST Action C6 - A city for pedestrians : policy-making and implementation - final report, 2003, p. 271-287

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