Structural performance of fiber-reinforced polymer honeycomb sandwich panels: evaluation of size effect and wrap strengthening.

Kalny, O. Peterman, R.J. Ramirez, G. Cai, C.S. & Meggers, D.

Stiffness and ultimate load-carrying capacities of glass fiber-reinforced polymer honeycomb sandwich panels used in bridge applications were evaluated. Eleven full-scale panels with cross-section depths ranging from 6 to 31.5 in. (152 to 800 mm) have been tested to date. The effect of width-to-depth ratio on unit stiffness was found to be insignificant for panels with a width-to-depth ratio between 1 and 5. The effect of this ratio on the ultimate flexural capacity is uncertain because of the erratic nature of core-face bond failures. A simple analytical formula for bending and shear stiffness, based on material properties and geometry of transformed sections, was found to predict service-load deflections within 15% accuracy. Although some factors influencing the ultimate load-carrying capacity were clearly identified in this study, a reliable analytical prediction of the ultimate flexural capacity was not attained. This is because failures occur in the bond material between the outer faces and core, and there are significant variations in bond properties at this point due to the wet lay-up process, even for theoretically identical specimens. The use of external wrap layers may be used to shift the ultimate point of failure from the bond (resin) material to the glass fibers. Wrap serves to strengthen the relatively weak core-face interface and is believed to bring more consistency in determining the ultimate load-carrying capacity.

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C 33095 (In: C 33074 S [electronic version only]) /24 / ITRD E828649

Transportation Research Record. 2003. (1845) pp191-199 (4 Phot., 6 Fig., 3 Tab., 7 Ref.)

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