A structuring public transport project for Cape Town Inner City.

Eadie, D. & Laborde, P.

A structuring public transport project is considered for the Inner City of Cape Town, with a fixed track system (as an LRT), street-running and linking along 2.5 km the Historical centre, the Central Business District (CBD) to the V & A Waterfront, where offices, retails and entertainment installations are currently under development. It will be a vital trunk line for the CBD activities, coherent with the «Moving South Africa» recommendations, elaborated at the national, regional and local level. It may be the first stage of the main Inner City public transport network, extending services particularly to new housing zones as District Six and Culemborg. This new LRT line will complement the metropolitan network (railways, buses and minibuses) offering good transboarding conditions at Cape Town Central Station. The lay-out, the stations' location and the served areas give to the project a great number of transport functionalities interesting a wide, range of potential users: commuters mainly during peak hours, employees and business men near mid-day, tourists and conference delegates all along the day. Considering the commercial and operational perspectives, it seems convenient to implement the project in a Triple P scheme. For the covering abstract see ITRD E116619.

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C 25701 (In: C 25667) /10 /72 / ITRD E116653

In: Urban mobility for all : proceedings of the 10th international CODATU conference, held in Lomé, Togo, 12-15 November 2002, p. 375-379

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