The studded tire - a fair bargain ? : a cost-benefit assessment. Master thesis Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, Uppsala.

Idar Angelov, E.

Although studded tires are used to benefit individuals and society by decreasing the risk of road transport accidents, they indirectly cause negative effects from wearing the pavement. Not only does this imply increased maintenance costs for the road-holders and cleaning costs for many others, but particles from the wear are also believed to cause and aggravate diseases in the human respiratory system. It is further suspected that they may cause environmental harm. This essay is an attempt to disentangle the matter through a cost-benefit assessment including the 13 southernmost Swedish counties. For those effects where there is sufficient knowledge, monetary values have been estimated, while others are merely discussed. A literature survey, accident and population statistics, and a model describing the differences in accident risk between tires have been used as bases for the analysis. SIKA's recommended monetary values have been applied for road accidents, as well as for health and soiling costs from emission of particulate matter. It seems today unrealistic to assert for certain whether the net effect of studded tire use is positive or negative. This is principally due to a lack of exposure-response links and uncertainties concerning friction improvement, as well as size distribution and toxicity of pavement wear particulate matter. With reference to the results at hand, it is nevertheless claimed that most likely, a high level of studded tire use in the southern part of Sweden does not entail any significant net benefits. Depending on which assumptions are correct it may, however, involve a rather substantial net cost. (Author/publisher) This report is also available electronically via Internet at

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C 27380 S [electronic version only] /10 /61 /91 / ITRD E210112

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 2003, 48 p., 51 ref.; VTI Särtryck ; No. 354A - ISSN 1102-626X

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