Studded tires.


1. MILLER, W.P. The winter tire stud. 2. EASTIN, A.H. Performance of studded tires on ice. 3. JENSEN, P.A. & G.R. KORFHAGE. Preliminary studies of effect of studded tires on highway pavements. 4. BURNETT, W.B. & E.J. KEARNEY. Studded tires-skid resistance and pavement damage. 5. WHITE, O.A. & J.C. JENKINS. Test of steel studded snow tires. 6. BURKE, J.E. and L.J. McKENZIE. Some tests of studded tires in Illinois. 7. LEE, A., T.A. PAGE and R. de CARRERA. Effects of carbide studded tires on roadway surfaces.

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A 5581 S IRRD 5662

Washington, D.C., Highway Research Board HRB, 1966, Pp.; Highway Research Record HRR ; No. 136

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