A study on devising a more intelligent winter road control system on National Route 17 in the Yuzawa area.

Kazunori, K. Yanagisawa, T. & Nagata, H.

The problems caused by severe natural conditions (cumulative annual snowfall of up to 20 m) or incidents on National Route 17 in Japan are described. Road usage in snow increases on non-work days by 2- to 4-fold with access to skiing resorts. This usage often gives rise to accidents because of drivers unfamiliar with snow. It is proposed to use ITS to improve road information and secure safe and smooth traffic flow. The current information facilities on the road are described. Plans include: placing location posts along the road that transmit their location electronically and which can be linked with data from patrol staff for efficient direction of road maintenance; using GPS to control snowploughs; chained tyre control using a sensor; a winter road surface information collection system for efficient organisation of gritting; and improved driver information services. (A*)

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C 20006 (In: C 19519 CD-ROM) /62 /72 /73 /85 / ITRD E111039

In: ITS: smarter, smoother, safer, sooner : proceedings of 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), held Toronto, Canada, November 8-12, 1999, Pp-

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