A study of intersection accident exposure.

Hodge, G.A. & Richardson, A.J.

This paper was presented at session 32 - safety. The analysis of intersection accidents uses the concept of exposure to hazard as its basic foundation. Some shortcomings of empirically derived exposure measures are discussed in this paper and a theoretically based model to estimate exposure to crossing and merging manoeuvres is developed. For these manoeuvres, research has verified that collision exposure can be validly represented by the product of the conflicting volumes. It is emphasised, however, that account must then be taken of the possibility that a general increase in driver safety efficiency occurs with changing volumes. Finally, the need to-examine the adequacy of presently adopted 'aggregate' exposure measures is discussed. The number of the covering abstract of the conference is IRRD No. 239340.

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B 14928 fo /82/83/ IRRD 239433

In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Australian Road Research Board ARRB, Brisbane, August 21-25, 1978, Volume 9, Session 32, p. 1-10, 22 ref.

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