The study on parking information needs for p&r in terms of parking lots users at CBD (central business district).

Kobayakawa, S. & Takada, K.

Many cities have been chosen to implement P&R system to solve the traffic problems in the central business district (CBD). Evaluating on the existing P&R systems, there are several points to develop the successful P&R system. The drivers tend to reflect on the cost, time, and walking distance for P&R. It is important to secure the parking spaces at the proper place and time. Information Technology supports promoting P&R by providing the information to the drivers. Dynamic P&R system is one of advanced resolution applied information technology to enlarge the existing simple P&R system. However, it is important to discuss what type of information should be provided, because the drivers' behaviour for P&R could very much depend on the information. When the drivers could be influenced on determining P&R, there are three main principals: Time, Space, and Cost. It is important that the "Place", "Contents", and "Method" of information are supplied. In this paper, it is concentrated on how to provide information on the "Place", "Contents", and "Method". In addition, the survey was conducted to analyse these three assignments.

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C 33179 (In: C 26095 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E828525

In: ITS - Transforming the future : proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 4 October 2001, 7 p.

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