Study on pedestrian road crossing compliance at high pedestrian crash locations of Anchorage, Alaska. Paper presented at the International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, USA, July 15-18, 2018.

Abaza, O.A. Arafat, M. & Chowdhurry, T.D.

Six intersections at high pedestrian crash location were considered for measuring crossing compliance of pedestrian on crosswalks. Un-signalized crosswalks recorded more violations than signalized ones thus require safety measures. Though, evening peak period was found suitable time for pedestrian violations but considerable rate of violations was observed at late evening period as well. Presence of bus stops quite away from intersections were one of the main reasons decreasing rate of crossing compliance especially spatial crossing compliance as well as increasing rate of pedestrian fatality. Pedestrian volume was largely associated with different crossing compliance than vehicular traffic volume as statistic showed. The rate of compliance increases with increase in traffic volume. But spatial and overall compliance decreases up to certain pedestrian volume (100–120 pedestrians per hour) for all intersections while steady decrease of temporal compliance observed for signalized crosswalks. Moreover, grouping behavior of pedestrian particularly at signalized crosswalks was also hampering the safety aspect. (Author/publisher)

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20210615 ST [electronic version only]

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Transportation and Development 2018 : planning, sustainability and infrastructutre system, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, USA, July 15-18, 2018, p. 19-29, ref.

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