Study of the profile of high-risk drivers. Study performed by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation TIRF of Canada, and sponsered by Transport Canada, Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulation.

Beirness, D.J. & Simpson, H.M.

This report examines the characteristics of drivers who engage in high-risk driving behaviours. Its primary objective is to provide a review of the literature on the characteristics of drivers who engage in high-risk driving behaviours. The purpose of this review is three-fold: To identify and summarize the characteristics of high-risk drivers-i.e., those who persistently engage in speeding, driving after drinking, non-use of seat belts, and/or running red lights; To determine the extent to which high-risk drivers are more likely to become involved in fatal and personal injury collisions; and to determine the extent to which the various risky driving behaviours are interrelated. (Author/publisher)

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C 34457 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 899167

Ottawa, Ontario, Transport Canada, 1997, X + 77 p., 61 ref.; Report No. TP-13108 E

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