Study on the regulatory situation in the member states regarding brought-in (i.e. nomadic) devices and their use in vehicles : final report. Study tendered by the European Commission.

Janitzek, T. Brenck, A. Jamson, S. Carsten, O. & Eksler, V.

This report presents the overall results of a study on the regulatory situation in the member states on mounting and using nomadic devices in motor vehicles. Nomadic devices comprise all portable electronic devices for information, entertainment, or communication that can be used outside of the vehicle and inside the vehicle by the driver whilst driving. Deriving from this context, the objectives of the study are to provide an overview of the regulatory and legislative situation in each EU member state; identify similarities and differences in regulatory frameworks applied in countries across Europe and group them into clusters (cluster analysis); and estimate the safety effects of the use of nomadic devices and related legislation on road safety for particular member states. (Author/publisher)

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20101382 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Transport Safety Council ETSC, 2010, 218 p., ref.; SMART 2009/0065

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