A Study of Rotary Disc Spreaders to Improve the Spreading of De-Icing Agent.

Maurice, F. & Pecquand, P.

Improving road safety and quality of service, shrinking the quantities ofde-icing agent spread, safeguarding the road infrastructures (in particular structures and road equipments) and struggling against useless pollution of the natural environment were the origin of these works on the optimization of the operation of the de-icing agent spreaders, which were declined in two times. The device for improvement of the adjustments of deicing agent spreaders (called DORSA) was developed the SEMR, a technical centre for testing road equipments, and the CECP, a centre of studies and design of prototypes, both depending of the French ministry of Transports. The DORSA device calculates the amount of deicing agent spread and the longitudinal variance coefficient. This equipment is now in service in road servicesof the French ministry of Transports and highway concessionary companies.The test, performed at a fixed station, consists of the dynamic weighing of deicing agent spread. The processing of the data and the development ofthe results are done in a few seconds. The DORSA device, which is handy to carry and easy to use, is composed of an uninterrupted weighing machine,a microcomputer, acquisition boards, and the corresponding data processing software. (tests could be performed in compliance with the AFNOR standard NF P 98-797). A new installation in the process of being built, with thesupport of the department the Roads of the French Ministry of Transports,is intended to study the transverse distribution of deicing agent spread.The test, also at fixed station, will consist in collecting in the vats of a mobile trolley, spread material, thus simulating a portion of roadway treated with deicing agent. Contrary to the DORSA device, this test bed is, for the moment, reserved for research activities, but would lead to the development of an easier and less cumbersome equipment having similar modes of use to those of the DORSA device. For the covering abstract see ITRD E143097.

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C 50222 (In: C 50149 CD-ROM) /62 /61 / ITRD E143251

In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress held in Torino-Sestriere (Italy), March 2006, Pp.

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