A study of the visual fields of North Carolina drivers and their relationship to accidents.

Council, F.M. & Allen, J.A.

Visual fields of over 52000 drivers were measured, in an effort to determine possible relationships between lateral vision and accident involvement. Results indicated a.o. that 1) relatively accurate visual field data can be gathered in the field by driver license examiners; 2) less than 1% have total visual fields of 120 degrees or less; 2) visual field is related to age and 4) restricted visual fields may be slightly related to higher proportion of side-collisions.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 6537 /83.2/

Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, Highway Safety Research Center HSRC, 1974, 1 fig., 11 tab., 13 ref.

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