Sturen op veiligheid : verkenning van mogelijkheden tot stimuleren van verkeersveilig gedrag bij beroepschauffeurs. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Frederikse, R. Bruin, M. de Hermans, E. & Bronner, F.

Apart from conventional measures regarding vehicle requirements, jurisdiction, communication, education and infrastructure, the Dutch government is seeking for ways to improve traffic safety by influencing the factors underlying unsafe behaviour. For professional road users, the company for which they work constitutes an important influencing factor. Earlier research conducted by the Ministry of Transport showed that transport companies hardly show any traces of a safety culture. The Ministry of Transport has commissioned NIPO Consult and Veldkamp to study whether a safety culture exists among professional road users. The reason behind this is whether professional drivers would let themselves be guided by a possible safety culture within the company, or whether their conduct might be determined by other elements, such as a safety culture among the drivers themselves. These objectives resulted in the following research questions: 1. Does a safety culture exist among professional road users, and if so: what does it look like? 2. Which (sub)cultures or other factors determine the traffic safety behaviour of professional drivers? 3. In what way can the government influence professional drivers through the cultures to which they belong? The project was conducted by carrying out the following steps: * Orientation by means of desk research, expert interviews and participating observation; * Fieldwork: a combined approach of qualitative mini focus groups and semi-quantitative research by self-administered computer questionnaires on location. In total, 5 mini focus groups took place with a total of 24 chauffeurs. The quantitative questionnaire was filled in by 30 lorry drivers and 31 taxi drivers; * Analysis and reporting. The results were integrated in a theoretical framework drawn up previously. (Author/publisher)

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20030812 ST [electronic version only]

Amsterdam, Nederlands Instituut voor de Publieke Opinie en het marktonderzoek NIPO, 2002, 69 p.; Z1361

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