Sturen in parkeren : onderzoek naar de effecten van sturende parkeermaatregelen in de vervoerregio Tilburg. Afstudeerverslag Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV, Tilburg.

Sluijs, L. van

This report describes an investigation into parking policy. The principal objective of the study was to analyse the effects on paid parking in the local area of Tilburg, especially on shopping trips in Goirle. It seems that less people are taking the car to go shopping when they have to pay for parking their car. (A)

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C 20207 [electronic version only] /73 /72 /

Tilburg, Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer NHTV, 1994, 50 + 18 p., 24 ref.

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