Subjectieve betrouwbaarheid van vervoersystemen.

Rooijers, T. & Oosterwijk, W.

This explorative study was commissioned by the Dutch Project Bureau for Integrated Transport Studies (Pb IVVS). This study was carried out into the reliability of travel modes such as bicycle, car, and public transport. The study was conducted mainly in relation to home-to-work trips. In the paper results are presented regarding the perceptions of reliability by the different traveller groups and the impact of (un)reliability on travel behaviour and travel mode choice. It is concluded that the subjective reliability of a particular mode strongly depends on the frequency use of that mode. With respect to behavioural effects, travellers using a travel mode incidentally appear to be most sensitive to changes in reliability. Some suggestions to enhance the perceived reliability are discussed. A slightly different version of this study is published in `Traffic safety in perspective', 1998, p. 43-59, see IRRD E201260 (see C 12587).

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C 14840 (In: C 14748 [electronic version only]) /72 / IRRD E203478

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk CVS 1998 : sturen met structuren : bundeling van bijdragen aan het colloquium gehouden te Delft, 12 en 13 november 1998, deel 4, p. 1719-1738, 11 ref.

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