Subjective evaluation and public participation.

Kraay, J.H. & Oppe, S.

In the Netherlands, a lot of attention has been paid to public participation and feelings of safety.Especially in residential areas it is felt that people should have a say in the reconstructions that are carried out in their own neighbourhood.Furthermore it was argued that the residents can add valuable information to the scarce statistical data about accidents. Although feelings and opinions about traffic safety as such are an aspect of quality of the traffic system they can hardly be used to evaluate traffic safety as such.

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B 27833 (In: B 27801 [electronic version only]) /80 / IRRD 117400

In: EVALUATION 85 : Colloque International sur l'Évaluation des Mesures Locales de Sécurité Routière, Paris, 20-23 mai 1985, Volume II, p. 423-427, 2 ref.


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