Summary and evaluation of highway capacity seminars.


In April 1966, the new Highway Capacity Manual became available to planning, design, and traffic operation engineers. The institute of transportation and traffic engineering, after consultation with representatives of several local and national organizations, undertook to present a series of capacity seminars aimed at clarifying the principles and procedures implicit in some of the major manual revisions. The result was four offerings of a two-day highway Capacity seminal during the latter part of July 1966 in San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and San Francisco. These Seminars were presented by ITTE and University of California extension, in cooperation with the California Division of Highways, the Automotive Safety Foundation, and the Western Section, Institute of Traffic Engineers, with the support of the Highway Capacity Committee of the Highway Research Board.This set of notes is intended to provide a summary and appraisal as an aid to those who may be planning to conduct similar seminars elsewhere. The interest in the offerings in California suggests that some fifty additional seminars might successfully be presented throughout the United States.

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University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, October 1966, 25 p.

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