Summary report (CORDIS) [of the European research project] PROMISING (Promotion of Measures for Vulnerable Road Users).


The objective of the PROMISING-project was to capitalise on non-restrictive measures and technical developments in a number of areas to minimise the problems of vulnerable and young road users. The potential for problem reduction was specified for four target groups of vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, motorised two-wheelers (i.e. motorcyclists and riders of mopeds) and young car drivers. The aim was to present measures - with the main focus on technical non-restrictive aspects - within an implementation framework. The differences between European countries in their transport modes were taken into consideration. The potential for problem reduction is a result of combining data and expertise with regard to safety problems, task requirements, measures related to problems and tasks, effects of the measures on safety and on mobility, and costs of measures. The aim was to include the road user viewpoint in the comparison of measures and to make use of their own experiences. To compare different measures, the aim was to calculate costs and benefits of a selection of measures.

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C 51687 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 2001, 6 p.; Contract No. R0-97-RS.2112


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