Super-wide-angle photography for highway mapping with AP/C and A7. Paper presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, Washington, D.C., January 1968.

Ghosh, S.K. & Ramey, E.H.

Aerial triangulation investigations made especially to determine the usability of super-wide-angle photography for determining the X, Y and Z coordinates of identifiable points to control topographic and other mapping done by photogrammetric methods for highway surveying and design purposes is reported.

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B 5734 (In: B 5726 S) /72.3/72.5/ IRRD 40841

In: Geometric design : photogrammetry and aerial surveys, Highway Research Record HRR No. 232, 1968, p. 68-85, 12 fig., 4 graph., 16 ref.

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