SUPREME (SUmmary and Publication of Best Practices in Road Safety in the EU-MEmber States plus Switzerland and Norway). Thematic report: Statistics and in-depth analysis.

Berends, E.

The objective of the SUPREME project is to collect, analyse, summarise and publish best practices in road safety in the Member States of the European Union as well as in Switzerland and Norway, with a view to implementation in as many partner states as possible. By making the study results available to a broad target audience across Europe – and thereby encouraging the acceptance of successful strategies – the project wants to contribute to reaching the 50% reduction target of road fatalities, which the European Commission set in its White Paper "European transport policy for 2010: time to decide" (2001).One of the major obstacles to promoting a scientific approach to road safety is the poor quality of data in many countries. The more we know about the causes of road crashes, the better able we will be to design and implement appropriate solutions. Reliable statistics are essential for effective research and the development of well founded national road safety strategies. In the category "statistics and in-depth analysis", one cannot speak about measures as it is done in the other categories, because there are no measures but methods of collecting data. In this report, we will refer to the "measures" as data collection practices, which might be a Best Practice. Each topic (category) in the SUPREME project was subdivided in subcategories and subsubcategories (see section 3). Country experts were encouraged to fill in a questionnaire for each data collection practice they considered to be a Best Practice. A standardised questionnaire was used for each category. The standardised questionnaire contained questions related to the standard selection criteria which applied for each category. However, the category Statistics and In-depth Analysis did not include any road safety measures, but data collection practices. Data collection practices themselves have no influence on road safety. Therefore, criteria for the category Statistics and In-depth Analysis were formulated and questions were formulated (see 10) by the Analysis Group (particularly the author). In order to avoid double work, results from other European projects were used within SUPREME. When Best Practices in certain sub (sub) categories were identified in other European projects, that sub (sub) category was excluded in the questionnaire and the Analysis Group referred to the results of those projects or they used the results of those projects. The most important European project that overlaps with the objective of SUPREME for the category Statistics and In-depth analysis was SAFETYNET (see section 4). Other European projects are described in section 5.(Author/publisher) More information about the project and its result can be found at

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20070049 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN), 2007, 71 p., 4 ref.; Tender No. TREN/E3/27-2005 / Contract No. SER-TREN/E3-2005-SUPREME-S07.53754

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