SUPREME (SUmmary and Publication of Best Practices in Road Safety in the EU-MEmber States plus Switzerland and Norway). Thematic report: Rehabilitation and diagnostics.


The goal of SUPREME (SUmmary and Publication of Best Practices in Road Safety in the EU-MEmber States plus Switzerland and Norway) was to collect, analyse, summarise and publish best practices in road safety in the Member States of the European Union, as well as in Switzerland and Norway. Driving under the influence of alcohol, exceeding the speed limit and other dangerous violations of traffic regulations all represent considerable safety risks in road traffic. A reduction in the frequency of offences would reduce both the number and the consequences of road accidents. The “rehabilitation and diagnostics” report investigates the question of how rehabilitative and diagnostic measures aimed at traffic offenders should be designed in order to increase road safety. The subject of the report is thus the sum total of measures intended to lead to the restitution of a driver’s fitness to drive in terms of character or to avoid repeat offences after traffic offences have been committed (driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other serious violations of traffic regulations). Firstly, the study included measures to identify people at risk of committing traffic offences (e.g. selfdeclaration sheet when applying for a driving licence, compulsory diagnostic clarifications) and measures to restore fitness to drive after offences (e.g. warning letters, single- and several-day targetgroup-specific forms of intervention, group discussions, abstinence) and more technical measures (e.g. alcohol ignition interlock) aimed at preventing offences by means of specific modifications to vehicles. Naturally, all three different types of measures can be combined. In connection with measures designed to prevent offences, many countries are using preventive warning measures or penalties (e.g. suspending driving licenses for shorter or longer periods, fines or prison sentences). Legally prescribed sanctions such as driving licence suspensions or prison sentences may be shortened or even withdrawn in favour of rehabilitative measures. In the literature, a distinction is generally made between two different types of offender groups: driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (= driving while impaired) and other serious violations of traffic regulations (exceeding the speed limit, aggressive and dangerous driving). More information about the project and its result can be found at (Author/publisher)

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20071433 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN), 2007, 91 p.; Tender No. TREN/E3/27-2005 / Contract No. SER-TREN/E3-2005-SUPREME-S07.53754

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