Surface Transportation Security. Volume 3: Incorporating security into the transportation planning process.

Dornan, D.L. & Maier, M.P.

This report contains the results of research into the status of state and metropolitan transportation planning processes and the extent to which security issues and strategies are reflected in long-range plans and priority programs. The study focused on consideration of security in the transportation planning processes of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). It included a comprehensive review of recent literature and a review of transportation improvement programs of 10 major metropolitan areas and more detailed case examinations in four areas. The research found limited evidence that security has yet been given major priority in plans and programs of either the states or the metropolitan areas. This report presents a broad assessment of the status, constraints, opportunities, and strategies for incorporating security into transportation planning at the state and metropolitan levels and for including security-related projects in their priority programming decisions. This report should be useful to state DOTs, MPOs, and local transportation planners as well as other practitioners concerned with planning, programming, and implementing transportation projects. (Author/publisher) This report may be accessed by Internet users at


20051072 ST S [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., National Research Council NRC, Transportation Research Board TRB / National Academy Press, 2005, 49 + 9 p., 52 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP Report ; 525, Volume 3 - NCHRP Project 8-36(34) - ISSN 0077-5614 / ISBN 0-309-08803-8

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