Surface vehicle recommended practice : taxonomy and definitions for terms related to driving automation systems for on-road motor vehicles.


This Recommended Practice provides a taxonomy describing the full range of levels of driving automation in on-road motor vehicles and includes functional definitions for advanced levels of driving automation and related terms and definitions. This Recommended Practice does not provide specifications, or otherwise impose requirements on, driving automation systems. Standardizing levels of driving automation and supporting terms serves several purposes, including: • Clarifying the role of the (human) driver, if any, during driving automation system engagement; • Answering questions of scope when it comes to developing laws, policies, regulations, and standards; • Providing a useful framework for driving automation specifications and technical requirements; • Providing clarity and stability in communications on the topic of driving automation, as well as a useful short-hand that saves considerable time and effort. (Author/publisher)

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20200004 ST [electronic version only]

Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 2016, 30 p.; J3016-201609

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