Surveillance of accident locations by electronic data processing methods.

Smith, R.N.

The need for new and improved methods of accident data utilisation is apparent. Computer tabulations which would aid in the identification, priority rating and detailed analysis of accident problem locations were developed. From a complete review of existing methods of processing, analysing and using accident data, criteria were developed for the form and content of the tabulations. Some revisions in the previous coding of accidents for electronic data processing were found necessary. The surveillance system developed consists of three types of tabulations: (a) for identification - a monthly accident summary of all accidents listed in route order (concentrations of three or more accidents in 0.10-mi units are selected); (b) for priority rating- a quarterly listing arrayed three ways: in route order, in order of decreasing number of accidents, and decreasing accidents rates; and (c) for detailed analysis - a tabulation which lists the details of each accident at specified locations. Systems diagrams for the system as a whole and for the accident concentration selection routine are given. The traffic log, which is a complete geometric and traffic record of the highway system, is also described. (Author/publisher)

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A 1327 (In: A 1321 S)

In: Highway Research Record, No. 188, 1967, blz. 90-126

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