Surveillance, monitoring and incident detection.

Truvelo Manufacturers Pty Ltd

This article describes a number of products developed by Truvelo for data recording and law enforcement. The equipment utilises newly developed piezo `T' profiles which are flush mounted for permanent speed monitoring. Speed calculating instruments include the M42 and MPC. The MPC can display information on a) average speed, b) 85% highest and lowest speed, c) peak and average traffic flow, d) total speed violation count, e) violation time and speed and f) speed limit setting. The equipment can be placed in empty camera housings or combined with cameras as an MPC COMBI. The Truvelo TCL-300 uses inductive loops to monitor 4 to 8 lanes. A number of weigh-in-motion applications are also

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C 20739 (In: C 20695) /73 / IRRD 866072

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 204-205

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