Survey among a selection of OECD countries about their experience with control and sanction.


This report provides the responses of a selection of countries to a questionnaire jointly prepared by Prof. Got and the OECD Secretariat, on their experiences with control and sanction. The following countries responded to the questionnaire: Australia (New South Wales), Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States. A number of data presented in the report also come from the OECD International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD). The European Commission conducted several studies on control-sanction which deserve attention. Particularly, in the framework of the GADGET project, a survey was undertaken among 16 European countries on their control practices. This report is structured as follow: 1. Indicators of road safety; 2. Evaluation of the control-sanction system in OECD countries: bibliography; 3. Intensity of control; 4. Speeding: control and sanction; 5. Drink driving: control and sanction; 6. Seat belt wearing; 7. Mechanisms for the application of sanctions. The report includes 4 annexes: Annex 1: Summary of a Swiss Report on “Control by the police and road safety” (Bfu, 2001); Annex 2: Sanctions applied in Denmark against drink driving; Annex 3: Proportion of vehicles above the speed limit in the UK; and Annex 4: List of persons who responded to the questionnaire. (Author/publisher)

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C 34419 [electronic version only]

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, 2002, 35 p.

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