Survey of and comments on residential street planning and standards.

Holton, J.A. & Pattinson, W.H.

As part of the general study of residential streets undertaken by the Commonwealth Bureau of Roads. A postal survey was undertaken to assess attitudes. Opinions and current practices in regard to residential streets in 1975. Results of the survey reported in this paper cover 1) current standards 2) patterns of suburban blocks and streets 3) parking and width of streets 4) drainage design 5) street pavement design 6) measures to improve existing street layouts.

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B 30212 (In: B 30206 [electronic version only]) /21 / IRRD 226353

In: Streets not roads. 8th ARRB Conference, Perth, 23- 27 August, 1976, p. 30- 40. Volume 8, part 2, Local Government Symposium. Session 6B.

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