A survey into car cost allowances and business cars.

Hoorn, T. van der Harrison, B. & Kleijne, G.

A survey into car cost allowances and business cars is currently in progress. It consists of 3 phases: 1. intitial selection of the target group using a mail survey; 2. in-depth home interview survey of a small number of households; 3. mail survey of all other households receiving financial assistance for car use. The survey uses the Script panel of the marketing agency Interact. After a description of theobjectives of the survey and the analysis framework, preliminary results from phase (1) are presented.

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B 24129 (In: B 24101 [electronic version only]) /96/ IRRD 283626

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1984 : mobiliteit in beweging : bundeling van bijdragen van het colloquium gehouden in Den Haag op 29 en 30 november 1984, Deel 2, p. 569-589, 7 ref.

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