A survey of citizens' opinions of the effectiveness, needs and techniques of urban transportation planning.

Wachs, M.

A home-interview technique was used to obtain information regarding citizens' opinions of the effectiveness, needs and techniques of urban transportation planning. Among the questions investigated are perceptions of the relative importance of investments in transportation as compared to other urban facilities and services, perceptions of the adequacy of consideration given to individual needs and desires in the planning process, opinions about the most urgent needs for improvement in transportation, and attitudes toward the relationship between transportation facilities and community health, safety, and aesthetics. Opinions are analyzed to reveal systematic relationships between the opinions expressed and the socioeconomic and travel characteristics of the respondents, and the implications of the results of this analysis are discussed.

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A 2337 (In: A 2331 S)

In: Highway Research Record 229, 1968, p. 65-76, 5 ref.

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