Survey of Indiana state legislators' views of transit.

Sinha, K.C. Doherty, M.J. & Parsons, J.N.

This paper summarises results of a survey of state legislators undertaken in Indiana to identify the goals and objectives of the state transit assistance program as well as to determine the possible direction of the state's involvement in the delivery of transit services. Eighty-three responses were received out of a total of 150. The survey concluded that the legislators felt that transit plays an important role in providing transportation service to disadvantaged groups and that there are several positive aspects of transit services in a community. However, legislators also felt that revenue for transit operation should primarily come from fare box and local subsidies, with the state supporting those systems that are most likely to remain viable in the face of reduced federal assistance.

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C 15625 (In: C 15623 S) /72 /10 / IRRD 827620

In: Transportation organization and systems planning : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1206, p. 10-16, 2 ref.

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