Survey of speed zoning practices : an informational report.

Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE, Technical Council Committee TENC-97-12

This report is based on a study by ITE Traffic Engineering Council Technical Committee TENC-97-12. The objective was to identify and summarise the speed zoning practices used by agencies in he United States. The specific objectives of this committee were to determine speed zoning guidelines used, the type of adjustments made to speed zones, individual variations to the guidelines and the differences between the speed zoning guidelines and speed zoning implementation. The committee focused on speed zoning practices at the city, county and state levels. Agencies across the country were surveyed to obtain a geographical representation of the guidelines. (A)

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20011053 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE, 2001, VI + 26 p., 10 ref.; ITE Publication ; No. IR-108 - ISBN 0-935403-56-6

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